Heather is an outdoor photographer based in Cashmere, WA. She serves the Pacific Northwest.


Hello, I'm Heather!

Your family photos should tell your story. They should capture all that makes your family as unique and wonderful as they are, including pets, parent- child moments, and all those other special fun moments. And while capturing all that, your session should be filled with laughter and fun!!

Here's some fun facts and how I like to have fun:

  • I was named after the Mountain Heather flower and was taken on my first hike when I was 2 months old. Yep, 2 months!

  • I summited and spent my 16th birthday on Mt. Rainier

  • I spend time hiking, mountaineering, kayaking and snowshoeing and believe we should protect our lands to keep it as God's beautiful green earth.

  • I love laughter and seeing the twinkle in someone's eye when you see his/her happiness coming from the inside.

Do we sound like a match? If your family likes to have fun and be in the outdoors, then click below to get the party started!